The UW Plasma Research Program

UW-Madison is a world leader in plasma physics and fusion energy sciences. Research groups involved span the Departments of Physics, Engineering Physics, Astronomy, Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Materials Science. There are several large scale plasma experiments on campus: the Pegasus Spherical Tokamak, the Madison Symmetric Torus (MST) Reversed Field Pinch, the Helically Symmetric eXperiment (HSX) Stellarator, the Madison Plasma Dynamo eXperiment (MPDX), the Magnetized Anisotropic Ion-distribution Apparatus (MARIA), as well as a number of smaller plasma experiments and devices. There are also multiple theoretical and computational groups developing and using cutting edge, multiscale codes: NIMROD, EMC3-EIRENE, FLASH, VPIC, and DEBS to name only a sample. Links to the different research groups can be found below:

3D Plasma Surface Interaction

Plasma edge layer at ITER transformed into a 3D system by application of small amplitude, external magnetic control fields.

Pegasus Spherical Tokamak

Center for Plasma in the Laboratory and Astrophysics

Madison Plasma Dynamo Experiment

Helically Symmetric eXperiment

HSX assembled.

Center for Plasma Theory and Computation

Center for Magnetic Self Organization in Laboratory and Astrophysical Plasmas